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"I started to live my dream: teaching young people"

As one of our youngest Community Heroes, Sreydieb Long has had a long journey with BOOKBRIDGE. Starting as assistant librarian and teacher at our learning center in Takeo, Cambodia she has strongly developed her teaching and organizing skills. When the learning center needed a manager, Sreydieb was ready to step in.

How did your journey with BOOKBRIDGE start?

I came to Takeo Learning Center in 2013 as translator. I was then 25 years old. I started to help out in the library and with classes. From January 2014 on, I worked as a full time teacher and as assistant of the Head of Learning Center at the learning center in Angtasom. In 2015, I took over the role as Community Hero starting new classes and teaching them. I started in Angtasom and later moved on to take over this role at Takeo Learning Center as well.

What change has BOOKBRIDGE brought to your life?

  • I improved a lot in managing and prioritizing tasks.

  • I learnt how to do proper human resource management.

  • I started to live my dream: teaching young people and leading a learning center.

What change have you brought to your community?

  • I provide learning chances to the ones needing it.

  • I provide job opportunities.

Can you share with us one story of an impact you have had on your community?

Non was one of my students who decided to quit his courses in order to earn money. I offered him to work as an assistant teacher. In turn, he could study for free. After gaining experience as a teacher, I offered him a paid teacher position. This way, he could continue to study, gain job experience and earn money at the same time.

Today, he replaces me with overseeing the learning center every time I have to go. He has become a valuable and responsible resource of our community.

What vision do you have for your impact in the future?

I want a learning center that provides good education and develops the community’s skills in a professional way:

What does this vision mean for your social enterprise? What capabilities does it need?

It needs to become self-sustainable. At the same time we try our best to help the community with what it needs. To do this, I need business skills such as budgeting, managing the cash flow, refining the business model. This counts especially as my country is hit hard by the Corona pandemic.

Sreydieb (center) with some of her students

What does this vision mean for yourself? Where do you need to develop yourself to be ready?

Besides teaching students from primary to college classes, I do not have other skills. As the suicide rate in my community has risen during the pandemic, I need counseling skills. I wish to be a person that is reliable and searched for whenever people in the community have problems and need a listener. Additionally, I need better business skills to support my orphan nieces and nephews earning money by offering educational services in their village.

Thank you Sreydieb for sharing your experience and your learnings with us. We are proud that you are part of our BOOKBRIDGE Family!


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