Sharing best practices in social entrepreneurship
With our Country Exchange Program, we empower our social entrepreneurs to share best practices and learn from each other.
Sharing best practices in social entrepreneurship
From "I" to "We": which is the best silent movie on servant leadership? Vote now!
Sharing local skills, building local opportunities
“BOOKBRIDGE is a place that changed my life. It helped me to find myself.”
"When I'm grown up, I want to give others a opportunity and inspire them."
Solving local problems with local solutions.
“Before, I was just an employee. Today, I am an entrepreneur.”
"The program inspired me so much that I along with colleagues replicated it in India."
"I learnt how to live from my skills"
Service Learning at its best!
“Even if you are in despair, see broadly, smile sweetly, and engage others”
Battuul pays back her loan